The Award Show for the Portuguese community

Spotlight Awards 2023

The Spotlight Awards are a way to celebrate the Portuguese game industry by recognizing their games, creators, studios and communities.


Turning on the light

The Spotlight Awards started as a small initiative by A Ludoteca at a bar, where Capture became the first award winner, getting a bottle of whisky, in Nov 2018. In 2019, we jumped into a bigger venue, testing the idea of shedding light on the surrounding talent and celebrating the games present at Lisboa Games Week's Loading Zone.

Now that the project is under Game Dev Lisbon's mission and values, we are opening the scope of the nominees to the entirety of the Portuguese game industry, mainland and islands alike, to more than just games, celebrating their creators, the studios, the people and organizations behind them. Now without whisky.


Spotlight Awards

Click on the images to learn more about the 2023 winners!


Spotlight Awards

See the 2022 event below, or click on the images to learn more about the winners!

© 2023 Game Dev Lisbon - Spotlight Awards. All rights reserved